Thoughts rushing in All clouded together All negative thoughts ******* clouds covering the sun No light peaks in I no longer know the sun exists These thoughts rain down on me Lightning flashes Thunder roars My head hurts My ears ring My eyes are so used to darkness light now hurts my eyes Crying inside Being drowned by the rain I'm all alone in this never ending storm Wishing I had someone to help clear this storm Time keeps moving As I lay still in this never ending storm I close my eyes and feel the rain As it begins to flood I drown Lightning hits the water This storm is violent I can't escape the storm Few moments of tranquility come I lay at ease waiting for the storm to come again Knowing I can not be protected from this storm I can't hide from the storm I can only hide from you I can only lie to you I say I'm fine to you But the truth is the storm is raging And I can't escape it I can do nothing but wait in the rain Wait in the storm Hoping one day it'll be over But not believing it'll never be over This storm is my curse I've lived with it forever I got rid of it for awhile but it's back and I can't tell you I don't know how to explain It all sounds stupid This storm is the worst I cry waiting for help But no one is coming I'm alone in the storm With no shelter It keeps pouring rain down on me My clothes are soaked Wishing lightning will hit and take me away Make me numb Make me gone This storm is unbearable But here I am All alone In this storm With no shelter Rain pouring down fast Thunder roaring Lightning strikes Down I go without a fight