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Oct 2013
Insanity is again creeping back into my life
Making me cold, making me angry
It's beginning an uneasy strife
Within me. Am I too clingy?

Too clingy to the word hate?
Too much attached to insanity?
Is everything becoming too much to contemplate?
All I seem to do is soak my mind in pure vanity.

A word that represents worthlessness
Something I begin to over obsess
Turning myself into a monstrous mess
My happiness I begin to suppress

But it's like I'm dead now
Pushing everyone away
To try to bring one being closer to me somehow
As optimism sits on the shelf to decay.

Recurring dreams of sudden death,
A crash, burn crave
The kind that makes you gasp for a breath
Instantly bringing you to your grave

The desire for a terrible accident
To obliterate yourself entirely
A fantasy no one can prevent
As you race for an end intently

Watching your whole life fall apart,
But doing nothing
Silently you pray that it stops, your heart,
Your life, you continually keep crushing

Until your last breath is taken
And that flash of light turns to pure darkness
This mindset won't be shaken,
Till you finally lay lifeless.
Written by
Eiram  Somewhere Green
(Somewhere Green)   
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