It put back on the trees and birds wore the sky at a jaunty angle.
"You haven't changed a bit!" I said kissing it goodbye.
"You've got old..." it smiled " very very old!"
I laughed. "I'm not that little boy I was!"
It wished me well.
The door closed.
Its footsteps lost in time.
I was missing it already.
This is the river and song of my childhood. The Own na Buidhe ran at the bottom of my uncle's field so it was a real thing to me as well as part of this beautiful song that I cherished. And the song had my name in it!
"When Donal swore, aye o'er and o'er..."
My sister Junie used to sing it to me as we lay in the field and the river looked up at us shy with the mention of its name. This is the river that comes to visit me! Not just any old river but. . . my name!