memories cloud my head like the words that were never said some are good some are bad some I wish I never had these memories are like sharp knives in my mind they stab me several times the words that were said are like shots in my head but the words I couldn't get out remain at the top of my mouth there's a gun in my head that goes off it shoots me with these memories and thoughts shots to my heart when I remember I said love you and I don't know where that love has gone at the time I meant it but it came and went now sorry is the only word I can manage because I'm sorry I hurt you I'm sorry my love is gone I'm sorry that is no longer our song I'll always remember you as my first love but we weren't forever and it hurts to remember memories can stab like knives but they can also bring me light when I remember the people embracing me with a hug or the time that day was filled with love at the end of the day memories are all we have and I'll try to stop focusing on the bad I'll think of all the good memories I have