What am I doing? Where am I going? Where is this life taking me? Why am I blindly following? Who am I? Do I know myself? I live inside a stranger She looks at me in the mirror and I hate her Am I that ugly person who looks away from the mirror? I can't be I don't want to be Get me out of this stranger Her mind is toxic Her looks are hideous That can't be me I have to be better I have to be someone How can I just be no one? Why does she not talk? Why does she stay silent? Why does she lie? Why does she hide? Why does she have such a toxic mind? Why am I trapped in this stranger? Where did I go? Wasn't I happy once? Was I? I can't remember Who is that girl in my photos living my life? Is that me? No it can't be Where did I go? Where are all those happy times? Why is it so hard to remember them? I try to remember I want to remember Stop lying about your childhood! That didn't happen! You weren't happy! You cried every night! What happy child are you talking about!? Stop lying! Your life is a lie! Not happy! Never happy! I'm a stranger Not because I don't know who I am Because I don't want to know I want that girl in the mirror to be a stranger Someone I see and pity smile at her because she looks like she needs it I don't want her to be me I want to be the beautiful person who passes her I don't want to be her Why am I her? I can't be her Let her be a stranger