Reminiscing back to when we were kids Laughing and playing you know how it is How it's supposed to be Smiles and laughter With no worries But that wasn't the case Cause the smiles and laughter were a front for a pain A way to hide away A way to say we're fine but we weren't We were just kids All wishing life was different We were just kids who couldn't talk about our pain All we could do is hide it away Playing hide and seek but you weren't not searching We were all hiding And you didn't come look for us Playing tag and as we ran away you just stayed in place You didn't come after us Didn't bother to try And we were just kids who didn't know why We wanted different but you never knew You were too focused on more important things to do You had to cook dinner You had to have a job You had to put clothes on our backs Shoes on our feet While we were laughing and playing You were slaving away Trying to give us the best life Little did you know when we cried She was being hurt And you knew You blamed her for a decision she didn't make Yes it was a mistake Not one she liked but yes one she made I wanted to say something But what could I say I was just a kid at the end of the day Adults turned their heads We lowered ours Why did it feel like the world was falling apart While you sleep at night I'll stay awake and cry Cause you spent the day slaving away While I lived a lie We were just kids in this messed up world We were just kids knowing too much We were just kids with no guts We were just kids hoping to wake up Hoping the sun would come out It was all just a dream But instead we woke up to your screams All the arguing that never ended But we were just kids who didn't know any different We hid in our room until it was all done We acted as if we knew nothing But we did know We were just kids living our lives Who knew the day we would wake up and our childhood would be gone Wasted on tears and sobs Wasted on laughing and smiling as a front to our pain Wasting on wishing it was all just a dream Wasted on never being able to say what you wanted Wasted on hoping you would see her tomorrow Wasted on hoping the star you saw was shooting And the dream you made would soon come true But you wake up one day and it's all gone Oh where has our childhood gone I looked everywhere for it and it's not there It must have escaped with all my deep sadness somewhere Now that I'm older I wear my smile with pride I wish that little girl never cried I wish she got a chance to wipe those tears from her eyes I wish better for what once was But we were just kids and that was our life We were just kids who managed to survive Time has gone we are all older All trying to heal from once was But we were just kids at the end of the day All grown up now I look back and think How much I miss those kids from yesterday The kids who laughed and played The kids who were just kids at the end of the day