I don't know if I'm good for you I don't even know if I'm good for myself My underwater current Could cause your mind's hell I don't know how to control this river spilling out of me Above, below, inside of me Sometimes it's too hard to even breathe Other times I can ride the river's flower, make it slower Make my heart beat softer But it's really hard when I'm holding my own head underwater When the dopamine level dips So does my mind's trips to the moon and the stars And even the sun where Everything is one And not even these simple words matter But when the high's done My body need some oxygen Some nourishment Which is hard when all your money's spent On the next trip to the canyon On when you can get high again Be closer to source Because I can't control my own force When my soul still needs me to free a caged bird or a third have you heard? I'm legally insane or at least I would be If they knew how to read my brain this pain this insatiable thirst to get what I want and erase all this hurt But it's like a bad taste in my mouth that won't come out It tastes like cigarettes Sitting in a bottle of water That I swallowed even still So I could take a sleeping pill Maybe I can just escape this place for a little while.