The smell of your cologne won’t leave my duvet I’ve sprayed my bed twice with Febreze. Twice. What was the name of it again? I know I asked, meant to memorize Meant to buy you more for your birthday or Christmas or whenever you ran low The smell was intoxicating…
I guess that doesn’t matter anymore, does it?
It’s strange because I second guessed the entire time. I analyzed and overthought and questioned it all. I asked chatGPT if I was going crazy, had it Analyze and overthink and question And even AI assured me that my worries seemed in vain for once.
I guess it doesn’t matter
It’s always when those thoughts I don’t deserve this, I can’t deserve this Turn into something else maybe this is meant for me That the shoe drops so spectacularly that It only takes 12 hours To change the course Of my heart
And it’s super strange Because I’ve asked my friends, strangers ChaptGPT And no one else can understand The trajectory But when AI is comforting me… 12 hours is not enough to change the course Of your heart