“Listen here!” lulled the prophet. “You have the power to see your future! You only need to widen your pupils and absorb that which is possible. Obey my words, and I'll set you free.” Turning his back on the crowd, he left.
His words hung dryly in the air and left anvils dangling over the legitimacy of the prophet, and if the cost of his lessons were truly free. Swiftly, zealots jumped into the crowd; prying eyes open to see that which only the prophet could make possible, and his message spread like wild fires ignited by his pupils.
Flames of disillusion reflected in the deep black pupils of those few teflon reactionaries left. Fighting against the binary of what he deemed possible, they disavowed the prophet because they could see what he was teaching, was not free.
Hiding behind closed doors, he was free from the chaos brought on by his pupils. Prescience painted its electric vision, begging him to see if he kept on this currents path, there’d be nothing left of the people who listened so faithfully to their prophet. Despite the omen, he continued down the path he preached possible.
Rebels against his vision took the only possible actions available to set themselves free. Casting aside the teachings of the prophet; They sunk blades into their pupils, knowing that in blindness, all that would be left was their freedom to see.
Wrestling with his vision, he could not see that fate had already chosen which path was possible. There was only one thing left to do if he wanted to be free. Engulfed in darkness behind his locked door, his pupils readjusted and rejected the reality that he was not a prophet.
He could not see that what he was doing wasn't considered free.
The only possible freedom is in the mind's eye, locked behind sight soaked pupils.
All that's left holding us back from awakening, are the lies of this false prophet.