I'm not an extreme feminist but here's what I've got to say The pressure put on body types is grotesque and ridiculous This goes for men and women experiencing this every single day Not only does it measure up to nothing but it's literally ludicrous I'm sick of seeing healthy girls cry about their weight I'm done with hearing people say that one boy will be right when he grows I can't fathom the view that is if they aren't chiseled they're not my soulmate And i don't remember a time someone’s body type made us automatic foes I mean think about it, why should it matter how long their bones are or how much their skin has to stretch? Is his body what made Jesus perfect? Find a verse that tells me that Don't get me wrong it's important to treat your body with reverence and respect But to diminish a human’s value by calling them skinny, short, or too fat How on earth does that make any sense when a precious gem is not called precious because of its measure No its valued as something unique and beautiful no matter its shape or size Things are labeled as beautiful when they evoke a joyful pleasure So if beauty standards are creating sorrow then maybe it's all just lies And what are standards anyway when my skinny is your bloated and my lanky is your poised It’s a mess of comparison and wish i had that never stops going round and round They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder is not always the same girls or boys So what is a standard when the judge changes on the daily and there is no solid ground The only opinion that never changes is one who knows every beauty and every ‘flaw’ The one who created something so outside of the box so precious and so rare That no one could ever perfectly draw There's no accurate representation of something so beyond compare After all people weren't created to reflect the creator’s glory all in the exact same way Trust me God is not so boring so don’t dishonor him by wishing for a different new Know you were created wonderfully and by the perfect artist who wants you no matter what you weigh You are not a body though yes it's a gift given to you You are a forgiven sinner that's loved, chosen, and a distinct and spectacular work of art Why does the state of my body matter if I have forgotten my heart?