I wish i could explain it all, BUT I BARELY UNDERSTAND IT MYSELF Pple say I'm crazy and i don't listen Don't throw me away because you think im broken Im afraid that everyone will leave me I push you away because i can't stand to be the one left behind It doesn't matter how you treat me, I'll do anything if you just stay, To me your perfect ,But i hate you Do you still love me? I don't know who I am, I used to be someone else But that person is gone, I don't want to become the person i am, I do things im ashamed of , You tell me to control my urges. Thats all i do is TRY, I wish i could stop, The pain is unbearable , I don't want to die, i just don't want to exist I know you don't understand Hurting myself eases the pain, You say im not trying, im better than that, I feel so many emotions all at once, Most of the time im in darkness or i feel nothing at all
I have a void that i cant fill.... Im a hollow shell...
I lash out at people around me... Say things i dont mean, I hurt you before you can hurt me I don't know my own mind from reality Lost in confusion I just want to run away But in the end it finds me I'm scared, I'm sorry i hurt you Im not a monster, Please don't give up on me
BPD is known to be the most hardest and painful mental disorder to live with . No meds to cure.