Still waters barely rippling, beauteous and deep, who knows what wonder may lurk what secrets it may keep.
The light of a sunset reflected on its shimmering waves. Visited by tired but playful little bears that were drawn from their caves. What time remembers what memory loses poetry saves. Our own human needs inconsequential our dreams and love alight. we see the peacocks spread their fans and long for their flight. Like a dream of dragons and heroes taken to sky. We are tethered to earth and can't help wonder why.
Fed on silver fish flicker, sleek and shy, mirrors of souls delight in waters that do but cannot try.
The orange and pink sky spills wide, deep and unbound, the clouds are fluffy laughter soft as a lullaby wrapping the ground. adrift in cabin rafter.
A hush, a breath, the world at rest cradled in green, in its arms, resplendent in velvet and silk we are dressed. beside the fire side awaiting a late night ride. To the theater where Ludwig van Awaits. Bows drawn and wetted reeds at the ready. They kiss and ponder what else floating in rapture we waiver unsteady.
Beauty is not something I often use. It's not for me to say