I had fully intended to use this site to post great poetry. I am fully capable of that. So what happened. Well the praise and accolade of garbage also has a ripple effect. Whuduya know ? Like chemical warfare on the brain, on creativity and objectivity. all our standards , MOCKED ! DENIGRATED , RELEGATED, PROSTRATED.... The greed system never cared about us. The true artist, the real creatives. The masses posting lust drivel and religious greeting card ******* sky daddy power fantasies on here have to be hand held and spoon fed their Brittany Spears and all their Justin Bieber Saviours . I refuse to partake or take blame for ANY of that. And you refuse to acknowledge the reality of what they, and you have done. How far back am I supposed to digress ? Do I lobotomize dignity and self respect to the point where I , like you can pretend that somehow I have never heard of them or understand fully the meaning or potential of what we could have done ? ( go back and re- read that slowly ) Do we know our past ? Then why is there no choice offered but to repeat it ? The board room has a formula for success. Are you their target demographic?