I think words aren’t enough anymore (Had they been before?) I don’t remember the last time I really Laughed without a care in the world, maybe There were some funnier moments but nothing Where I could get the thoughts out of my head I think you get what I’m saying, Right? Instead They get temporarily Pushed to the back of my mind Only to haunt me Minutes later. I’ll find Them unexpectedly Perhaps halfway Through a lesson but the voice up there says That it’s all my fault because I Was the one that let all this time pass by Without doing anything productive and the time Is going to add up and I’m Going to die alone Penniless and unknown To the world and we All know that they’re going to forget me After a while of my absence, all they need is to Get someone from the same cookie Cutter and bam moving on is rather easy to do. People care, I know (I hope) and while there’s just so Many thanks I’ve yet to say it’s just hard to Put it all into words And they’ve definitely all heard The same thing before because my friends are all far Too good for me. But still my bar Is set too high For those that fall through my Sieve but then again it is a me Problem; what else could it be– Nothing, that is– and so I return to my computer where I’ve been sitting for the past half hour, my wet hair Making my neck and shoulders start to ache But I just can’t bring myself to break Eye contact with the screen or go Grab the hairdryer (if you know you know). Sorry I wasted your time reading this; I Tend to forget that people like you Have better things to do.
im so so tired. there isnt anything worth living for anymore.