i yearn for the sweet release. it sounds fake or quirky, i know hell, i even make it a part of my humor, but deep down, really deep down, i can’t escape it. the feeling of waking up, moving along with the day; i cannot live wishing i was dead therefore i think this is it. my final curtain. my friends my family were never to blame in fact, i’d say they made it a little more entertaining. life that is. however, when talking about “death” you get the same speech “you’re young, you’ll never understand” “you don’t understand true sadness” they never truly see your side you could have felt these feelings since forever but no one truly understands nor do they care. you have to go through with it right? no one can save you now. no one will be your light unless you pull back the curtain. pull it back and let the stage lights shine through for when you finally see your audience the people who love you will finally feel that bit of peace even if it takes a while you will find your peace and i will find mine