There is nothing you can do, we're as good as you, we will progress forwards, whatever you may do; I joined the army, they all looked at my figure, I'm used to it - the silly things we have to endure.
We have a reproductive system, child bearing hips, but now I'm wearing epaulettes with three red pips; I'm crawling through mud, even might put down a 'try,' they can't take it - 'Isn't she just supposed to be a guy?'
So what of the future - maybe we'll be playing the men, not possible - otherwise things will never be same again; God mde us to be in company but sarge says it's mysogyny, don't tell me that you're not bothered, I am who I want to be.
It's time for you to 'man up' because things are changing, to be accommodating with your thoughts rearranging.