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Feb 27
Oh dear yahweh  or elohim.  You are the worst of disgusting ineffectual lazy loser *** ****** bags ever conceived.
The worst brain dead garbage humans tried to make you  real out of their own greed and hatred or  as  a childish desire for revenge and above all
                                  STUPIDITY  !
  Lame *** clueless ****** men in the desert  that couldn't get laid in a monkey ***** house with an arm load of bananas , tried to dream and lie you into reality but alas they knew nothing of women let alone how to please one  . So they beat them and subjugated them and covered them from head to toe like hairy gross ninjas.
You still can't elect one as president.
  Then you had a sick stupid man  we mistakenly called abraham now force his own  REAL son down and draw a knife to **** him.  But even though you claim to know all so you know he would you just had to be a sick **** and torture him !  Oh the Ibrahimic  religions ! Ha !
   As i f that weren't enough. You had them claim so stupid ignorant skinny weak minded jew carpenter  was your son or you or both at once.  Anyway doesn't matter !  You being the sick ***** and Gomorrah , turn people to pillars of salt fire and brim stone  swarm of locust sick **** that you are.    You supposedly let them torture  yourself or him.  then blah blah anyway  he becomes  a zombie . and like santa claus  he knows if you been sleepin he knows if your awake  he knows if you been bad or good  so  be good for goodness sake  ..Wow ..  are you an adult  ?  does your brainwashed brain even function ? Do you believe in the tooth fairy too ? Never mind  if you are this lost  and that gullible.    oh and get this  he supposedly MADE your precious king Solomon the " wisest " man ever  . hahaha  then this  **** ***    abandons him and turns to other better GODS  and demon worship  even after gods alleged favor   bwahahaha  thats hillarious   and you all cry and **** over a supposed piece of this mans  shabby so called temple. The wailing wall !  wow.  Nice hate machine.  As they say the proof is in the pudding   and actions do speak louder than words  or in Gods case seeing as it doesn't exist  don't ever speak or act at all.  be sure to put your hard earned money in that collection plate. Crefflo Dollar needs another hit of coke  and another leer jet. Good job !
humans did everything that has ever been good or bad sorry you are blind
Jeffery Alan Hoover
Written by
Jeffery Alan Hoover  49
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