there is inside me at my deepest part a little black ball of rage
i don’t know how it got there well, that’s only half true i don’t know how it quite got there at my core at the heart of my being but i know when it got there hewn hard into my flesh my mind, bones tempered into me each night my matriarch’s take on hephaestus’s forge and each morning quenched in the light of day each walk to school under the sun’s yawning beams miasma erupting from my pores the liminal release before the cycle began anew
so, suffice it to say, it’s in there deep. DEEP deep. and it reminds me every day. hissing out from my heart seething out of my skin the steady sssssssss of it always in the periphery BGM for my life like whatever that Animal Crossing theme is called but sharper a slicing sliver of steam
most days she’s content to rest easy in the wet dark alcoves inside me a passive hum of her slumbering ember rattling from my chest
on others she demands her freedom tells me i don’t deserve the reins tells me i need her to lead us i say “no” she rouses sizzling note rising to a low rumble she says yes i say No. first a jet of flame burning bright blue white like the first blazing pinions from a piece of fresh firewood seared sap seeping into sssssssss down to deep crimson a spider lily dancing out of me showing me beautifully bouncing and it’s tempting to get lost in that get lost in the beauty of a renegade part of your very own soul saying ****. That. saying ****. You. there’s something profound about it (and someday, i hope a wiser person than i can tell you about it) but getting lost in it is a snare a distraction more importantly there’s the ssssssssseething
if you listen hard now the little black ball she says sssssssss no one will ever understand you sssssssss
another burst of light that sinks sallow from it she shrieks sssssssss your only talent is pain sssssssss
now a cascade SSSSSSSSS she roars now a lioness tearing her way out of me into me she says you know it would be better if it was just all gone my back erupting a billowing cloak of indignant ignition stoked by memories of midnight visitors with knives or less and christmas eves in dank dirt rooms of ****** tears and well-tended wounds and this is part of the temptation, to be honest to just
burn with it
to let go and feel fall to it all to succumb to the anger. sorrow. vengeful vigor. ambrosia would feel like this ultimate release my metaphorical form Usagi mid-transformation
We Burn
and i’m gone
there’s no me just us just her we’re a phoenix of rage she sneers through my teeth a cheshire grin in smoke she leers through my eyes unblinking and vulpine together, we cut down forests burn and salt the earth in devastation there is clarity, ya know? we seethe we embrace in that flame we connect we seethe shrieking a banshee’s call unheard to all but us We Seethe
and it feels amazing truly but as we all know there is a cost to such things and the cost of flames is steep so. not plan A.
she needs out though my little black ball and i think she deserves to seethe she deserves to rage and so, some days, i let her out i let her out here right here she reaches for you wants you to know the burden and blessing the sorrow the anger the hiss of her voice she wants to be known she wants you to know her you're almost there it only burns for a moment can you hear her? can you hear her sssssssss?