when i spilled onto this earth, i was born with a human head and a mane no one thought anything strange about this of course not so strange to have a mane i was just ahead of the curve (which would not be a trend)
i grew and so did my mane it blossomed bushily i got my name and, when the first fist arrived at my ribcage, i got my first fang
sulfurous and shaking rank marlboro breath reeking from sorry bones he called teeth the first of many came and showed me that my human head was soft resilient and surprisingly springy bouncing with less pain than i thought off of banisters and landings (ironically named the moment you land on one, don’t you think? but i digress)
must have been from all that bouncing that my human head began to shift into something else but it was made real the moment those haunted knuckles knocked on the door to my heart my jaw snapped like my mind and i bit just bit deep and visceral his glazed eyes wide with surprise maybe fear (although not for long before the first was joined by the second but still) as i sailed away through the air about to bless a landing with its purpose i saw the arc monument of my malicious maw broken into skin an insidious smile but not that of a child my head was a lions now as my follicles foresaw on my zeroth day
i was eight when i got my horns it was surprising actually third week of third grade prismatic fissures of light creating colorful schisms in the asphalt of the church’s parking lot i drank in the bittersweet view as my face fell toward it my travel sponsored by another boy more sadism than sense and two years past the rest a fact never languished on for long
as most trophy hunters do, he inspected his **** a little too much hubris about a little thing he just did my chubby form rose like Dracula from his coffin at dusk stiff and unyielding despite the protestations of my body below and delivered my forehead to his own the eponymous number of times face newly painted in a scarlet shade half blood below the skin half above he said you’re crazy i didn’t know he was right, you see? so that statement very much offended me and so i added one to my quota and left the nuns told me not to be so stubborn not to hurt other kids Jesus would turn the other cheek, they said but Jesus also turned up dead they said i was stubborn as a goat my hair wild and unkempt canines glistening wetly with blood and, as if to suggest it knew what a goat was, a **** on my scalp split open just a bit more just enough for sable spirals to rush forth
i was thirteen when i got my venom
(unfinished but i have always loved this one especially 🖤)