it now. it asserts itself. makes itself known. rises from a vague landscape where, starts slow. what seems like moments ago, there was only tanned and tender skin. first, a trickle of we know its not fair, of course we do, how life a thing, drip drip dripping insists on malicious amalgamation of the blameless bright beautiful but slipshod slipping in and out of leaves us. we drift aimlessly, searching equally so for schisms in the essence of a being. a point. no signal, just noise. like static like an idea in the back of your head, but meta. we cut a crashing hiss scritch scratching around, abound for parts afar and away through days they never got to chitter chattering all day, grabbing your tongue, taking your say. taste. we try to hurry then, just like that idea, there it stays. festering and flayed, nowhere, without you. our invisibly inviable too. just like you. i hate it but it's true. attempt at as we mourn the arrival of another morning, alas, it becomes less metaphorical, growing.