Like two children at play, a wonder on the streets of Casco Bay, My heart skips as I sidestep the cobbled, ice-laden paths, Splashing through puddles, we feed off each other's desire— Just one spin on the merry-go-round. Seats abound; places to grasp and relive our youth.
WOOSH! A glimmer of wrapped wings swirls around me— Falling, diving, toward the ground in this exhilarating dance. A crash never manifests; She is a mirror of my dash, now two ****** skyward, Our backs arch, eyes ablaze, Soaring to unfathomable heights of pure ecstasy.
A search ignites, the deep thrum booming, Fingers strumming across invisible strings— My heart’s afire with a pulsing melody, Music familiar yet unnamed on this carousel, now just for two.
Reappearing on the stone-studded streets, I walk to the water's edge, Bursting from a diamond's tip, where cherubs caress A billion luminous suns. My heart ignites, my lips blaze, yearnings align— Counting down the days until our meeting. Once more, let us spin again...