bequeathes itdoes so "soo, noted ""
"a cup of tea-- tells Jon
all oveer the leftovers
rearing ,,“to which i may”,tells jill
,,,,, "a neat //pique"joon0
while whil i .......................... / invent ,,,,,,,
blinking/ /transpicuous&blue that never end their rune
a tt turned/clidosocpicc ,bymy hey ,chamomile- tells Jon/ mayb,,,“the drudge magenta!,
//hilly billysyes please ,may be!
foams ///////// noww/ well for once “ so pretty ” shesays -cohorts welma
a beguiling taste/iNTRICATE
obscure/iff i may/maybe enduring the imaculate many times ( ()()()) undone blown shards/curls/hollahop boilerplates (/reminicent))) pecarious a ,
maybe manyy benevolent a blue moon soon wil b bluedont dont //////////// /imposing a finale- fugazii ( ) //tiers//-
ten out off eleven /eleven eleven eleven!!!!!!!!! the mirrors_(son)))))))yes allof them
rattled.........................................................the proceses....................will take care off to reset to beget to, towards
never complete i had 2 yesthe cuss(off.................................repetitionrendition
frivolities_ as it seems bluesclearly belong 2 you conditioned _ the very magnifients/the more then malignant 1s the redundant aas much as you like _/NOW tipidinsovent intact emotions 87911987 rundown
the outcomesthe blunt ones
how will you (know)))))))))))))))))))
! turn turn turn off the fencess this b my trite“ patterns emerge
done done done justt done
3 times A big one _returns , reminicent