Pin ***** beneath your valley of ribs. Your mousy heart beats Endlessly and namelessly as static. What Used to be swollen with purpose, constipated With pride, greasy and blistered as a cocktail sausage, Is now an old wound; it needs a poultice, A placeholder of semantics For the palms praying to the peerless sky, A paperweight for that Headless neck. You used to be pedantic. Now ease is the strangest feeling; born of the dailiness of splitting hairs Between us, over and Over.
Numb under mine, your crossed arms Frame my grave in a way that seems sacramental, To be left barren too of hope for you. Not fair to Create it out of nothing, like some ****** pregnancy. If God won’t come to hold me down, I’ll go to him and start Over
While you stay curled up by the window like a vegetable. Time makes cautionary tales of lucent billboards that brand the street Infected by moths numerous as ****. Subdued and flickering out, they don’t concern me anymore; now I Contemplate cleft-lipped fractures in the concrete Cracking seedy smiles at me. I grow quietly dim as understanding takes Over.