I kneel on sultry nights to pray Lost songs to lead my mind astray Doom Reason to walk a distant land Emotion’s realm I sense is close at hand.
Sensuous thoughts in language of their own In quiet tones the darkened room adorn Bright sparkling eyes sudden muted feel Entrapped, transformed, haunted, still
Tumultuous silence frames a lingering touch Shy fingers tremulous fleeting brush Smiling lips sudden are gravely etched Restraint, by unshackled senses stretched
Perchance a truant spoken word Repentant flees, unheeded and unheard The gossamer touch of drifting fingers felt On naked arms and legs, a straining breast
Unguided, instinctive, their path is marked Aroused feelings just by touch are sparked Rapturous Eternity knows no tide or ebb Ensnared in a magical passion’s web
No music, yet lilting notes entreat Joy’s songs this languorous spell to greet A distant flute the silence softly graces An emboldened tongue a lover’s lips embraces.
And hands that ere could scarce believe Their power – in caress now relieve Yester fears – Tomorrow's hopes are born The heart of its fading memories shorn
No earthly thought dares be so rude On such sacred moments to intrude Just Silence in Silence's womb is born Night's fabric by no morn is torn
I've oft in lonely moment sought Such nights to hold, and felt distraught As morn's light the lingering star chases In sad retreat the unearthly spell erases.