It's all becoming more and more like a fever dream... Politicians are drinking tea, laughing maniacally with their shredded top hats, the rabbit; and Alice. The true face of it all is getting clearer and clearer.
How long has it been like this?
And why nowβas though desperately clinging onto the last seconds of historyβgive up the act and blatantly share what we thought could indeed be true before? Or do they know what you and I both know: that people have become so numb that you don't have to hire great actors. No, you hire a clown because spanning attention is as hard as it gets; In a world where our phones flash us popups and death Everyday And every hour Every hour every second Every second is too long Because my attention span can't... ugh There's something wrong I... Just wanted to watch this video of a cat And now I'm shoved against a fence by a robot with a bat Who silences violence with the law on his shoe Roses are red