The cabal The newest news is Europe is a fascist, with rules and regulations, and little freedom of thought if you write something they dislike be prepared to get arrested and jailed; the USA is a land where we are free to be critical of President Trump and his ***** pal, Elon Musk and you will not be harmed, ignored if you have no economic power meaning the poorer you are more freedom of speech you can enjoy. The EU in Brussels is nothing more than a Brussels sprout hated by everyone except those who say it is a healthy vegetable; it is presided over by an elderly woman with iron hair who talks to herself in empty offices; NATO is a rusty tank in a potato field that canβt even be converted into a tractor its American general has gone home, like it or not, Trump set us free A big thanks goes to Tulsi Gabbard, who whispered the truth into a thankful ear, telling it that Europe was the enemy of freedom!