Unspoken blood in the veins of silence, The infinite formless reflection of words on the walls of time, The mute blows of past sorrows, The invisible call hidden behind the scenes, A silent scream echoing in the abyss of existence.
Nature stands wordless under the rule of an indifferent wind, The weight of questions turns to stone in the depths of silence, Every utterance is nothing but a soulless echo, Forgotten inner voices dissolve into speechless narratives, Emptiness sings the song of a futile wait.
Thoughts become corpses bound in the chains of time, Sleepless dreams weep within restless souls, Questions lie face down in the dry silt, There are no answers, nor any protest, Only an echoing silent scream!
One day, the world will hear the scream of silence, Blood-tinted light will flow through the veins of the horizon, From the cracks of stillness, a new language will be born, A language where words are free, where questions take form, The silent scream will take the form of a roar of echoes!