I was drowning in silence, too tired to fight,
A ghost in the mirror, fading from sight.
The weight of the world crushed into my chest,
I begged for an ending, I needed to rest.
Then love reached for me, warm and bright,
Hands on my face, pulling me into the light.
It filled me with laughter, it taught me to breathe,
It stitched up my wounds, then it chose to leave.
Now I stand here, alive but not whole,
A stranger inside this borrowed soul.
Love made me happy, love set me free,
But love is gone,who the hell is me?
I don’t know what I am or what makes me whole,
I only see through this hollow hole.
The hole of an empty tunnel, cold and black,
No way forward, no way back.
So here’s my goodbye, whispered, unheard,
No touch, no name, no final word.
I belong to no one, I fade like the sea,
Love is gone—gone is me