Never have I seen the Landscape. The forest—whimsical in sight For it was you who introduced me to the trees, the shrubs, the vines. Dense it is, but pragmatic and real, Same as you keep your thoughts in disguise.
Never have I seen the intriguing flies, For it was you who introduced me to the fireflies. Like you, they awaken the soul, They did the same—what you do with your smile. They killed my senses with their alluring light.
Never have I seen the waterfall. For it was you who introduced me to the sound— The melody of the water dew. Swaying and grooving, the fluid moved, Like you moved my heart away.
Never have I seen the moonlight In this way. For it was you who introduced me to this gaze. Left me astonished; left me amazed. Watched a goddess ablaze.