They shared a mutual hatred for people that disclosed unsolicited details about their relation*****.
Even though they spoke everyday goodbyes never got easier. brb, gonna sleep for eight hours. What will you dream of? You want me to say you, and I want me to say you, but I have no control over my dreams. You're only reserved for my daydreams.
They exchanged a plethora of photographs. #thighhighThursday Send. I lIkE yOuR sOcKs. It wasn't long before they perfected the art of taking selfies in the shower. Send. LeT's PlAy NaKeD tWiStEr.
Sometimes they broke the unspoken rules they'd agreed to. The rules that banned them from getting too cutesy; or twee as he liked to put it. Cuddling is just hugging laying down. For much longer. *Cuddling is just horizontal hugging for a long time.