Its halt and catch fire get up, get tangled up in barbed wire. Just as I was going to get ready for the evening to retire. Situations escalate until they are dire. Go ahead throw kerosene over everything and let it catch fire. The flames growing higher until its a bonfire hotter than a funeral Pryor. The mere word's I write to me they do not inspire but they defiantly tire. As high as they kites get I am so much higher. If someone told you I was coming down they are a **** liar.
This chaos that constantly seems to ******* transpire No wonder this self medication I tell myself I require Sweet ******* release pretty much my only desire The voice inside of my mind is nothing but a liar. I As the demons lurk in the shadows and nefarious monster conspire I am spinning just spinning like a ******* spin dryer I have gotten myself into such a fantastic quagmire That if I were to take my aim I would probably misfire A catastrophe and calamity ******* chaotic supplier Of time and space I am simply a waste an occupier Questioning minds they do so often seem to inquire About all the pain and suffering I did somehow easily acquire
Not so much weighing on my mind but all of it heavy on my heart. My words barely Audible for my throat's so parched Yet right through the Flames of my own Hell I slowly marched As random on lookers just quietly to themselves they remarked Some intentionally trying to stage a great ******* upstart As lonely on this journey I myself am about to embark Hidden away the the blackness of this soul ******* dark Feeling as if at the very seems I am coming completely apart. Heading towards the brightest parts of Hell in a hand cart A beautifully broken disaster yet still a ******* work of art Trying ultimate my night with fingertips that just don't spark In general really at least for the ******* most part Not feeling in the least bit confident, or even ******* smart My own **** Demise I am feeling as if I did somehow jump start I hope that joint you are not planning to just ******* bogart Please if you loved me at all get me ****** before I depart
A journey of such drastic ******* measures Has me digging up all my cherished treasures As hard pressing the very pressures Put on me by the grievous endeavors Leaving only those I consider my aggressors To wallow in their own **** self pleasures I am here attempting to burn out my own receptors Truly it is a rather one of those remarkable kind of gestures As to Ashes I reduce all these unnecessarily kept records I need no scythe to frighten off all these Spectors Shaded by all these unseen ******* reflectors So before I end property of some ******* collector I'll seem out my very own salvation my own protector That is in an entirely different world another sector, Pretending all the while to be the courts best jester Someone who let's the sorrows ******* fester. Yet will never admit that they are indeed the lesser A self doubling complete second guessed That has been smashed underneath every stressor. Now blowing in the breeze light as a feather I am gone not just for now but for ******* ever.