so many ideas about god different races, different peoples each with their own ideas cultural, national, universal mono or polytheistic worship of the planet of characteristics thereof or human rationality ourselves in the place of god
so many resolving into what justifies my thought my wishes and actions what I do and fail to do me, my people, my race, my nation so many supporting us rather than them the elect against the outsider our people not the foreigner and when push comes to shove those conflicts and wars that such divisions always bring the gods back me not you they're on the side of my battalions my ends justifying the means my might always being right or so my take on the gods tell me
so what is the power and purpose of god? what difference does he/she/they make? why this god not that god or any god at all?
perhaps we need god recognising our faults and failings the limits to understanding and wisdom a universe so far beyond comprehension our finite and limited thinking facing questions beyond discovery perhaps we need the awkward questions god keeps disconcertingly asking how we justify what we do our use and abuse of power the way we do relationships from home, to work, to nations, to religion?
there was a backwoods preacher who held up a mirror before us our being and doings our actions and inactions 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength' it's easy to say we do that we accept external scrutiny but the evidence says otherwise then he stretched our thinking 'love your neighbour as yourself' reminding us our neighbours include those we think of as enemies or consider us the same so he said 'love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you' and persecute you they will for the powerful hate nothing more mark out as their enemy than those revealing their power abused in contrast to such love so 'love as I have loved you' sacrificially, self-giving, unbounded by time, space or circumstance not theoretically but actively 'to love mercy, act justly and walk humbly with your God' and when we get it wrong or they get it wong for we all always get it wrong 'forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us'
of course he didn't last for those with power didn't like the mirror he faced us with so we had him killed, crucified far easier to smash the mirror than to change, transform get rid of the nuisance so we can get on with business carry on as normal with a warning left hanging there for others with jumped up ideas job done, so we said, so we thought .....