Information suppression and oppression go hand in hand, The tools of tyrants and bullies the world over.
They've no care for your triumphs, your ennui, or your rage- Die and weep, laugh and smile, we're all the same; just another cog in Their machine of conflict and capitalism. -there are always more children.
A vicious cycle repeated throughout history: "We the People!" given life anew.
The answer is obvious; the right and wrong plain: Black Lives Matter, among other equally clear issues. Yet, people have chosen a side bereft of love; a misaligned mob, uninformed and angry.
It's a migraine - a growing pain and self-surgery more so, this division where sons and daughters and those undefined rail against 'tradition'.
Mayhaps that's the due, The price of our condition... Or so I might have said, once upon a time. I've since learned to live, and better learned to rhyme.
The fight is continuous, and the price always paid. I'd rather it us, a generation razed.