Whenever I get a lover again I'm excited to give them kisses on the nose And to feel the oils of their pores And smell their skin Their face skin and hand skin I'm excited to be close and to touch and love and **** and laugh and do things I haven't done yet I've had physical intimacy with so so so many people And I wish at the time I had been brave enough to try to love them too But they were like me Which is why we met They were scared and unhealed too And they just wanted the blurry rush The untamed ecstasy The freedom of meeting a stranger And taking a $17 potion And ******* like animals
And now I just can't wait to have partners I can hold close And kiss their noses And feel the smush of the nose skin Against the cartilage from the pressure of my lips
Just recently I had a sort of lover An almost boyfriend And sometimes I think I cherished the closeness I sobbed in his arms once about my dad And him letting me do that It felt like a great kindness at the time And I think it was one But it was a kindness I deserved
I could text him if I wanted And have someone again whose nose I could kiss
But he's kind of a **** so I wont Which is annoying
I want to meet someone who's not a ****? Is that so hard? Isn't it too easy to take people for granted? Recently I found birthday cards from an ex who I loved and who loved me so dearly
It wasn't until maybe three years later that I really cherished the way he treated me
He was a good guy, like such a good guy But ultimately I wasn't attracted to him and he was very needy and it all devolved in the end and I hurt him a lot and he wanted me to be small
Today I saw my hot neighbor clearing out his car from the snow And I fancy him Or I want to anyway so I went out to clear my car Thinking we might chat and laugh Instead I just cleared my car and across the way he cleared his And then I went inside because my hands were cold
And anyway, I promised myself I would Date a woman next Trying to go to community events to put myself out there Desire
I used to enjoy the brush of longing against the inside of my skin I don't enjoy it so much now Restlessness and feeling empty for the presence of no one else around me But I also just watched a sad movie about a woman who is dying And currently my dad is Maybe he's not actively dying But he's got a foot in the door
But maybe the new treatment will work Maybe he will be able to enjoy a burger again Maybe I won't quake when he walks up the stairs
Though now that I don't live at home it's easy to pretend That he's okay To put him from my mind And he would absolutely say that he's okay
I thought when I moved here that I would sit on the floor And have a BIG BIG CRY about the pain Of the past year
And I haven't had that big cry yet That big relief I want it But I'm scared of it Just like I was scared to tell A hottie who I made love to countless times That I cared for him Because the one time I did open up and share about my life I couldn't have *** I couldn't even look at him
I think about him often actually I think about that woman too I can still see her hips swaying on the way to her car She knew I was memorizing her waist in my shorts
I loved her with such abandon And then she too treated me bad
And he did too I don't know why they came into my path And I don't want to be a victim about it either
But **** man I memorized them The way you memorize someone you'll know forever Without even trying They are memorialized in my mind And no where Absolutely no where to be found in my life
And they don't even exist how they once did She is absolutely better and she is chaos Truly terrifying to me and my nervous system He's better too
I guess I'm much better than I was And better that they're not in my life She still makes me shrink Him I don't care about really
I guess I should get her out of my energy field Where her fingers and hips and lips and hair and scalp and knees and *** and ***** and ******* and freckles and neck still live
It makes sense, she is a love witch I guess she put lots of love spells on me