The many questions Steam from the mind of mine like vapor out of boiling ***. Dead you are, answer to thy misery i possess. In stroke each commitment yours resides.
Boredom and laziness, never bothered to bother you. Time is profound mercy showing you. In quiet silence she seats waiting, observing you paint.
Repayment of talents you gather is strictly expected. Is assurance in your head proud? Has the meaning not found you yet?
Suicide is not tempting you to lean on her breast anymore. How come your art is floating in nonsense? Look, see!? Your own numbers are tirelessly exhausted by squeezed being one by the other.
They shout to stop painting them. Did your first love plunged a sword into innermost being of thy heart? The thought of God is abandoning you wholly.
Is the rebellion a cause of succumbing to a number of four walls stricken by the splash of blood paint color?