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Chapter 15

Media from around the world were set to broadcast every word Charlie had to say.

"O say can you see peace instead of war? I can. We all can (thunderous applause).

"Welcome, World!

"It is a pleasure and an honor to speak with my sisters and brothers!

"We are on the threshold of world peace!

"We shall no longer seek the biggest piece of Earth we can conquer. Deep in all our hearts--all 8 billion of our hearts--is love of each other. I will now share with all of you what I now know."

"We have a new ecology, a spiritual ecology. There is one land, one sky, one sea, one people. The boundaries that divided us are not on maps, but in our minds and hearts. Catastrophic climate change and nuclear holocaust will deal death to all living creatures on Earth, but we will have both eliminated.

"There will be no nations. There will be only Earth and Citizens of Earth. Each Citizen of Earth, 18 years or older, will devote 10 years or more helping Earth remedy its shortcomings. There will be no money, no private possessions. Each Citizen of Earth will receive what each one needs to live a full and productive life. All weapons, private and military, will be destroyed. All Citizens of Earth will have the right to be treated well and the responsibility to treat all others well. Love Centers will replace all jails and prisons. Love, not punishment, is the only way to rehabilitate a hurting human being. Citizens of Earth will govern Earth. There will be no president of Earth.

"Wealth is not worth. The mansuetude of loving and being loved is. When love is your currency, all else is counterfeit. Citizens of Earth will be able to go about creating their own happiness that is built on professional goals and love-based personal relationships. No longer will Citizens of Earth be able to profit from another's pain. With love being at the center of being and living, there will be no more wars, no more dictators, no more corruption. Finally, there will only be Peace on Earth.

Thank you."

The applause was deafening.

(The date to vote on CAMPAIGN FOR WORLD PEACE had not yet been set. Citizens of Earth will have two weeks to vote. Majority wins.)

Chapter 16

Anh and Charlie lay side-by-side on the bed in their room. Though it had been several hours since Charlie's speech, both seemed as if they were in a trance.

"Everything has happened at light speed," said Charlie. "Thank you for being at my side, Anh." She snuggled up against Charlie.

"I knew you when you were clinging onto life in the hospital, Charlie. This morning it seemed as if you were shot out of a cannon," said Anh.

"And you were the one who kept me alive," said Charlie as he kissed her.

"I want to concentrate upon the poor of the world. It is a disgrace they have no voice," said Charlie, then kissed again the woman he loved so much and soon was to become his dear wife.

Still exhausted by all that had happened in such a short time, Anh and Charlie fell asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter 17

Anh and Charlie were going to be terribly busy in the months ahead. Will would be his contact. Travels around the world would be a mix of meeting current leaders of nations, as well as the poor wherever they existed. Not surprisingly, Charlie wanted to meet the poor first. Thus, Mexico would be the destination of their first trip.  

"Among the poorest towns in Mexico is San Simon Zahuatlan . That will be our first visit. All facets of our trip will be planned by experts, but we will determine our itinerary, Anh," said Charlie.

"O Charlie, I'm excited." said Anh.

"Me too," echoed Charlie.

Plans to begin the trip were already in the making. In three days Anh and Charlie would fly out of D.C. to Mexico City. They would meet their translator at the airport who then would drive them to San Simon Zahuatlan. The family Anh and Charlie will meet will have been chosen by the day they arrive. Charlie's way and words had already spread like wildfire around the globe.

"Ready?" said Charlie.

"Yes," said Anh.

"Then let's go!" said Charlie.

The flight was actually relaxing. Both had been beyond busy. The flight from D.C. to Mexico City should take about 5 hours. Anh had a 7-Up, Charlie a Coke. Anh actually took a nap in flight.

They met Juanita, their translator (and guide), once they had landed. As they traveled to San Simon Zahuatlan, Charlie fell asleep. Juanita had to stop once to fill up the gas tanks. A lot of Mexican singing from the radio kept Juanita awake.

Juanita was given a hand-drawn map of San Simon Zahuatlan that showed her where the Navaez family lived. It was not difficult to find. As the car approached the house, everyone in the car saw many members of both worldwide TV stations (EURONEWS, France;  CGTN, China;  PB-DD, India;  DW, Germany;  NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, United States;  BBC, UK;  AL JAZEERA, Qatar;  NHK, Japan;  XEQ-TDT, Mexico City) and newspapers (NY TIMES and WASHINGTON POST, United States;  CHINA DAILY, China;  LE MONDE, France;  LONDON TIMES, UK;  and TIMES OF INDIA, India;  and LA PRENSA, Mexico City) swarming the house.

The word was out.

Chapter 18

"Let me introduce the Navaez family to you. This is Isabella and her husband, Bernado. And their two lovely daughters are Elena and Gabriella," translated Juanita. All Navaez members said hello.

"Anh and I are starting a trip around the world. We hope to visit every country on Earth. My special interest is how so many of my brothers and sisters suffer from being poor. You can see how many media from around the world are interested in what's going on. Feel free to talk to them, if you wish. To start, do you feel comfortable talking with Anh and me about the problems you face?

"Isabella and I will talk to you," said Bernado.

"Please go ahead," said Charlie.

"Our lives are tough. We struggle every day just to get through it. All those who live in San Simon Zahuatlan have the same problems. Except for the few elite, everyone has a terrible time having enough to eat each day. Isabella can tell you how hard it is each day to get enough food to stay alive," said Bernado.

"We have great problems wherever you look here," said Isabella. "It is hard, terribly hard, to find enough clean water to drink. We have very little electricity. There is much corruption. It is very hard to find work to get paid to buy food. Look at the condition of our house. It's about ready to fall down. People go to the bathroom on the side of the road. We have no doctors, no healthcare. We have one school and one teacher. Just to stay alive is a terrible problem every day."

"The reporters you see all around you would like to talk to you. If you don't wish to do that, just tell them no thank you. They have been told not to bother you, if that is your wish. If it is OK with you, fine. They are very eager to hear what you have to tell them," said Charlie. "Thank you for talking with us."

Chapter 19

After their trip to Mexico, Anh and Charlie traveled to the United Kingdom to meet and talk with Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons, then went to France to meet with President Macron, then went to Germany to meet and talk with President Steinmeier. In addition, Anh and Charlie met with Rutte, Secretary General of Nato in Brussels, Belgium. They then flew to the Sub-Saharan desert, which is in Africa, and met with many groups of the poor and extremely poor of this region, as well as leaders of countries like Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Madagascar.  Anh and Charlie then flew back to New York City and met with Will who had assembled a sizable group of women and men with expertise in all areas pertaining to the poor and extremely poor and ways to solve all the problems--indeed, tragedies--they had caused.

"What is worse is our government not helping them. I don't recall the Puritans being forced into cages, and I don't recall African Blacks being invited into our country to enhance racial diversity. I only remember chains and auctions and worse." said Charlie.

Chapter 20

Anh and Charlie continued their travels in Africa. Burundi is arguably the poorest country on Earth. Its GDP per capita is $259. It faces corruption, weak infrastructure, and pervasive hunger. Central African Republic suffers ongoing conflict and political instability. Sierra Leone is also riddled with corruption and a paucity of civil liberties. Somalia is an extremely poor country. Mozambique tries to cope with chronic malnutrition and poor literacy. Niger belongs on this list for similar reasons.

When Anh and Charlie had visited every country in Africa and had spoken with thousands of the poor, they flew back to New York City and met with Will.

"I have invited the presidents and heads of every department of the following universities to attend a two-week roundtable to be held at Columbia's Low Rotunda. All have accepted my invitation. Columbia will be joined by Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, Cornell, Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford, and MIT," said Will. Columbia's President, Dr. King, will preside.

"Wonderful!," exclaimed Charlie.

"Then these brilliant women and men will jointly design ways we will bring about Peace on Earth." said Will. "Now let me treat the two of you for lunch at Le Bernardin.

Chapter 21

Charlie's major contribution had been his opening remarks at the US Building. He wanted others to share their ideas and concerns. After making his opening remarks, Charlie did announce the creation of the ANDOVER/EXETER PLAN, which would recruit the best and brightest people from around the world to teach the poor and extremely poor students throughout the world. He and Anh were now ready to continue their worldwide journey. Countries in Central and South America were next.

In Central America, the worst poverty was in rural areas. Honduras experienced 75% poverty in rural areas with 63% living in extreme poverty. In Guatemala, 54% of those in rural areas lived in poverty. Nicaragua and El Salvador both had 47% of their rural population living in poverty. In Panama, 37% of those living in rural areas lived in poverty. Costa Rica had the lowest rate of poverty at 23% in rural areas. Indigenous peoples in all these countries faced the highest rates of poverty and lacked access to essential services such as housing, education, and healthcare.

In South America, the countries facing the worse degree of poverty were Bolivia, Venezuela, Suriname, Paraguay, and Ecuador. Bolivia is considered to be the poorest country. More than 80% of their population live in poverty. Having faced severe economic crises, Venezuela's heavy reliance on its oil has made the country vulnerable to global price fluctuations. Suriname struggles with significant income disparities among its people. Paraguay has a high poverty rate with many people living in rural areas who struggle with little financial resources. Ecuador depends on oil, which makes its economy volatile. Lack of access to education and healthcare are most hurtful, as is income inequality.

It is most important to remember that these disparities cause not
only inequality, but more importantly, untold pain.

Chapter 22

In Asia, the poorest countries include Afghanistan where ongoing conflict, corruption, and inequality contribute to its economic struggle. War, famine, and economic blokecades have severely impacted Yemen's economy. Nepal, despite its abundant natural resources, poor planning, and corruption hinder its development. Mayamar's political instability and economic mismanagement are major challenges. Tajikistan's phyisical isolation, scarace resources, and aging infastructure limit its economic growth. Kyrgyzstan, similar to Tajikistan, faces challenges due to its geographical and economic conditions. Pakistan suffers struggles with uneven development and political challenges. Despite progress, Bangladesh still faces significant economic challenges. Timor-Leste's experiences limited resources and political instability that affect its economy. Cambodia struggles with poverty despite some economic progress. Ubzekistan faces economic distress. And Syria is seriously affected by their ongoing conflict.

Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. The reasons causing this are war and conflict, economic disruption, infrastructure damage, financial fragility, human capital loss, and more robust economic reforms. Moldova gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, but experienced an economic collapse from doing so. The transition to a market economy was difficult, leading to a high level of poverty. A significant portion of Moldova relies on agriculture;  however, the agricultural sector is not very productive due to small farm sizes, lack of modern technology, and limited investment. This limits Moldova's market access and adversely affects its economy. Corruption is a major issue in Moldova. This stifles major business development and economic growth. Many Moldovians seek employment abroad to seek remittances, but in the long run, they do not increase economic growth. Albania has a low GDP. In 2023 it was around $8,575, which is significantly lower than the European Union average of $35,948. In addition, Albania suffers from high unemployment, corruption, a limited industrial base, infrastructional challenges, and debt levels. North Macedonia has a relatively low GDP per capita. It also suffers from high unemployment, political instability, and a limited industrial base. Bosnia and Herzegovina has struggled with political instability and ethnic tensions since the end of the Bosnian War in the end of the 1990s. High unemployment and corruption further hinder economic growth. Belarus faces economic challenges due to its reliance on state-controlled industries and limited economic controls, as well as facing international sanctions that impact its economy. Serbia has a low GDP per capita and has high unemployment and political instability. The country is still working to recover from the economic impact of the Yugoslav Wars in the 1990s. Montenegro tries to abate high public debt and limit industrial diversification. Bulgaria has a low GDP per capita and also faces corruption, high unemployment, as well as a limited industrial base. Romania still battles corruption, high unemployment, as well as a limited industrial base. It's easier to type these words and phrases than it is to solve all the problems they represent.

Haiti is considered the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
In 2023, its GDP per capita was around $1,963. About 36.6% of its population lived on less than $2.15 per day. Causes of this horror include political instability, corruption, natural disasters, lack of infrastructure, colonization and slavery and foreign intervention, dependence on international aid, and unemployment. Cuba is poor due to the following:  The USA's 1961 embargo;  loss of Soviet support in the early 1990s;  tourism decline;  reductions of oil from Venezuela and other sources;  migration;  and corruption. In the USA, Mississippi has the highest poverty rate in the country with 19.58% of its population living under the poverty line. Louisiana has a poverty rate of 18.5%. New Mexico has a poverty rate of 18.55%. West Virginia has a poverty rate of 17.10%. And Kentucky has a poverty rate of 16.61%. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota has long been among the lowest income areas in the USA. The town of Comerio, Puerto Rico has one of the lowest median household incomes in  the USA. In Canada, the poorest towns include Sept-iles, Quebec, which has a low median household income. Becancour, Quebec also has a low median household income. And Quesnel, British Columbia has a sizable number of low-income residents. The following towns in Australia share the problems of low income levels, high unemployment, and limited access to essential services:  Kowanyama, Queensland, which suffers from geographic isolation, limited employment opportunities, and insufficient access to healthcare and education facilities;  Mungallala, Mungallala South, Redford, and Tyrconnel, Queensland whose suburbs have some of the lowest income levels in the country;  and Newcastle, New South Wales has the 2308 postcode that has one of the lowest average taxable incomes. These areas suffer from their geographic locations, educational disadvantages, health issues, and societal inequities.

Chapter 23

"You and I have traveled the world," said Anh.

"And the world's media has trailed us all the way," said Charlie.

In addition to the world's media following Anh and Charlie around the world, They also had invited the two to come to their headquarters to be interviewed live. Despite their pressured itinerary, Anh and Charlie were able to accept many of their invitations. And Anh and Charlie were not the only speakers. The more who fervently hoped the world would change, the more other people around the world wanted to do the same, and did. One's best bet was that the vast majority of Citizens of Earth not only agreed with all the tenets that would be voted on, but also millions, if not billions, would be eager to vote for and promote CITIZENS FOR WORLD PEACE, thus bringing the vast majorities on Earth together for the first time.

Charlie said, "If you don't have a moral compass, or if you do, but don't know north from south, go to your heart and soul. Those are where you can feel what's right or wrong. I predict the world will feel what's right.

When the world vote was taken, 68% of all voters were for CITIZENS FOR WORLD PEACE. When Anh and Charlie heard the news, they gave each other a heart-warming hug and kiss, as well as billions of others did, too.

It was the greatest day in history.
Written by
(80/M/Boulder, CO)   
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