**** it. Let's stare into the abyss you and me. Lets turn our backs on pop music optimism ignore the little questions and walk, hand in hand, into the unknown dark. Forget endings let's only ever start. Fight the unsung battles without caring about the tuneless song of our impending defeat. Let's move our feet with purpose, let's not just sit and talk let's take shaking breaths as we stand together and walk. I want to feel the static in my teeth like I bit down on tin foil. I want the ozone smell after a lightning strike to fill my nose with adventure. I want to feel the rapid heat of pressure loss boil away in my blood. I know the future is uncertain I know the work and the bills will long bleed us before our hearts can pump enough for us to catch up. I know the erosion of our souls has killed the childish laughter inside us and nothing is grand anymore, saving the fear of those stone teeth punched through graveyard soil and the names which they will one day hold. I want you still. **** it. While, I still have the time I have always been yours, I only want you to be mine.