a butterfly is a miracle she is just as yet unaccustomed to
a flower is a piece of living magic
her dolls speak to her ( in her own voice)
ten tulips bow to her she bows to them
a daddy is a somebody who knows nothing
who has to be taught everything.
she knows there is nothing that can not be
facts are replaced by imagination ...the art of seeing
a purple sun shines in a yellow yellow world
see she has drawn it so and so it is so
and I her disciple follow the little leader as she teaches me
how to be the world that she can see
( half invention half discovery ) as she leads
me back to the land of childhood
I believed I had long ago lost forever
She was my teacher...making me in her own image...showing me how I could live in the world without dying into adulthood. I became as a little child and she gave me the gift of the world she created.