Till you shined your lines of joy I thought i was left alone that my uniqueness severely diminished my worth
I may have been frail this whole time weary and droopy Forgetting to function properly
This decaying state, a result of no water My thorns were sharpened by insecurity My petals were plucked by me in perpetuity it felt, i kept finding more, killing any growth nurtured.
My circle became aware and rotted Withered and too delicate to maintain I thought to myself “their surrounding doesn’t belong to me” Then, wrinkling and shrivelling every bit of self worth
You pointed the sun to me At first I didn’t wanna fix myself Rising my weariness seemed cynical, Silly isn’t it How you unknowingly aided my growth Held me together even with my thorns You, just there You wore the ray beautifully Your thoughts provoked mine my thirst quenched, Now it’s just enjoyable to be with you All I do is sit and stare, secretly thanking your warmth
We have our banter yet, I believed i was looking to deeply into you Your beauty is so bright and lively,
I digress my feelings for structure, as pretty as you are
And as much as you’ve unintentionally supported me
Once i make a move, the idea of living for myself goes
You’ll always be there, wether i am or am not, i know that, im hoping that, encouraging your own growth
I’m purposely planting deeper Thank you for forcing my roots I look up happily, knowing we’re wavering in the same glow
The one will beam its way to you Knowing you, you might over-shine them Your support won’t go unnoticed