There is a void in me , in my heart , my soul and my life I’m found yet I feel so restless, so at sea To lose you as cost me everything , and now it feels like it’s taking my sanity The fall from grace is so far, so hard It’s left me with many scars So day by day I try manifest you back While trying to take my power back too, I need it more than you I don’t need you anymore But you need me I worry that when you wake up to that and see That ill no longer like you yet my love for you may be even stronger My soul and the universe are still calling me to you Still calling your name Whether it’s up above in the sky so blue that I swear I could see your eyes Or down below at the ocean watching the tides breathe in and out Or looking to the moon and stars shining so bright yet so far away Just like you I hurled the ring you gave me into the ocean yesterday Burnt all my writings about you coming home up in flame And yes I felt lighter for maybe a few minutes but I woke up after dreaming of you…. All over again