It is night, the day time had sun and warmed The living room and the kitchen I sit alone in my study and enjoy the silence This should be the time for deep philosophical About life and the wherefore, it is not, but I recall yesterday when we went to a small town to buy medical equipment for my wife we sat in a café where everybody spoke at the same time I asked why are they not listening before speaking, she said it is not so much about talking it is the sense of community and social cohesion, well in that case let them talk For many old people elderliness is a curse they live in, fear of dying and know they will but they have not obtained the serenity needed to accept death as a part of a continuation of life they shall not be a part of at the supermarket today, my wife spoke to a woman who was upset because her mother had died last night, how old was her mother103 she had been housebound for 4o years in other words she had lived too long of course my wife commiserated for the woman’s loss, a mother is a mother and the woman’s memory was of her mother when she was young I ask you to stay in bed is that preferable to die Be nice to old people but let them die in peace