Clown. Turn your smile into a frown. I cannot stand your clumsy glee When I am caged in roaring misery. Let me pinch your noisy nose into a pip Before I chew blood from my bottom lip. I'll shove that horn where circus lights can't shine Rather than let you steal a smile from that mouth of mine. Clown. I know you hide a sadness too What I feel within me, I see in you. That sponged on face paint cannot hide That you're also stuck on this fairground ride. Unending circle, rolling, rolling, round and round Your only break from reality is that droning, clapping sound. Clown. I don't mean to make you cry To make me happy, I know you try. One kiss from you could change our fate Your face on mine, painting a new soulmate. I can clown too if I take on your rambunctious guise We'll live in foolishness, exuberance and mysterious lies.