I used to think I felt things but thinking about why I feel things isn't the same as feeling them.
I used to think I knew the ebbs and flows of my mental state but turns out I was separating myself from my body.
This body is an island on it's own. Disconnecting itself from my spinal column. I have learned the art of detachment. Going away whenever I don't want to feel a thing and when I do, feel it all, it consumes me.
How can I live with this childlike sadness sifting inside of me, just waiting for a crack in my smile to seep through? How can I live with this emptiness I carry until I realize it was never emptiness at all- instead it was just hidden away in a deep pocket of my brain waiting until the moments I discovered it. Like a hidden treasure chest I didn't realize I had been looking for over the course of 29 years.
I am so close to 30 and so far away from any semblance of adulthood this body she is still 9 years old begging for the attention she sought but never got. Screaming into pillows at night wishing someone would really see her- but they never even heard her muffled screams.
Between the low blows and the secrets below- they never knew I needed to be seen they never knew what they didn't see.
a body full of secrets seeping at the seems until I come undone over and over again.