I stood at the edge of something... a moment, a door, a whisper of change, light pooling at my feet, the weight of all I had lost pressing against my ribs.
The air was thick with unsaid things, with words I should have spoken, with hands I should have held tighter, with love I should have let spill from my lips before silence took its place.
And then... a shift, a sliver of gold in the gray, a breath of warmth against my frozen skin, the shape of mercy, of undoing, of something not yet broken.
I reached... fingertips grazing the edge of grace, lungs pulling, aching, desperate... but the moment wavered, quivered like a candleβs last flicker, then slipped through my grasp before I could breathe.
Gone. Like a name swallowed by the wind. Like footprints in the tide. Like a heartbeat fading beneath trembling hands.
I am left in the wake of it, airless, weightless, drowning in what could have been. Was it mercy that it came at all? Or cruelty that it did not stay?