A Path of Conscience A path to the prime of the primes. A journey of a disciplined disciple. Could I ever become a part of you? For I am out of my line. The tiniest or the most magnanimous being Bestow their heads when they see you, Sitting on your swing, Waiting to shower your blessings— To spread the word of the kind. Love is you; so is war.
Will I be wandering, Without your message, If my purpose is resolved— The one I was a strong believer in? Or does something yet remain on my part, To be called, in your terms, a real keeper?
I know not the meaning of the "why," An enquiry of aspirant saints, A quest to be enlightened. Let me take a breath, a sigh. All this is above my capable power. I am fine to be lived by your plan, your desire.
Just one wish that I whispered in your ear: All I want is to be with you. May my soul always be with you, Without any worldly fear.