Eleven January's And I'm still starving Health seems appetising and I look it but beneath the bark I'm skin and bone
Eleven January's Walking through the thickness of it In May i will be exhausted And camp out in forest December Where it's too warm to jog I'll take it easy till Christmas
Eleven January's Of what now? I'm big again There's so little space All I can do is trick it And hope it expands
Eleven January's And the hunger hasn't stopped The hunger to be wanted The hunger to be loved The hunger to be held The hunger to be dead
Eleven January's More and I'll go mad If I'm not six feet under I'll be six feet in width Ashamed either way So I'll just wait and see
Eleven January's Of hot chocolate to herbal tea It's the way it always goes But the stories intertwine And I believe every lie Because it makes me feel high
Eleven January's Of shelly beaches Townie roads The promenade stretches Further than I As I drift like a glint
Eleven January's I am a fat smog sleeping on the job There's no time to wallow I take my last swallow That's it, I'm never doing this again Then let's go feast somewhere
Eleven January's And I haven't seen you I haven't shrunk Not thin enough For you to take me seriously To want me
Eleven January's I hurt myself for nothing My heart is small and slow beating hanging on by a locket Who needs weights in their pockets When they don't kick but break the bucket
Eleven January's How long doesn't matter It's the damage you do And it's not you It's January So far for me, it's eleven