You got a taste as The teeth sank in. A Mouthful of guts. Spitting Ravenous, Hungry savage. Chase em with the noose tied. Burn a house down with a family inside. No escaping this time.
Sparks. Shatter. Glass. The hateful gather. Tongues pointed, lusted.
Mob Justice...
Deny. Deny. A distended death cry. Woke with the taste of blood, and never know why.
"Got carried away" "Just a little mistake." "A good person, I swear." "You just had to be there."
"The blood. The blood." "Was all up in my head" "You didn't hear what they said."
"Guilt is dispersed." "You can't blame me." "I'm just one of the many."
Retract. Retract. Rejects those facts. "What you saw was fake." "We were heroes that day." "Propaganda, you see." "What was done unto them, was done unto me!"
Forgive and Full Pardon. "We were right! We were right!" "What fire? What night?" No screams. No bodies. No guilt in sight. No Justice. No...