Behind the hulk of a man Is a little child Restricted by the bars of maturity The child wanders within, wild Waiting, hoping, looking For a way to explore the world
Behind the shabby walls of the grown man Is a little child chained by the expectations of the society Enslaved by an illiberal reality
No more can the land of flowing With milk and honey be seen A land with unicorns and candy
No more can the warmth of the blanket in the dark room corner Serve a cover Over the world of adventures The world of rainbows and blooming roses
The hands of time had grown the eyes But left it he mind
The land with unicorns and candies Through our weary eyes Has eroded into one with dragons and poisons
The world beyond the warmth of the blanket Transgressed into one with clouds of grey And flowering thorns
Behind the man of steel The man with a heart of ice
Lays a tender beat A flaking fire Waiting to melt away the ice
Behind the words of metal The heart of steel Is a child wanting to be loved To be cared for To find a true sense of living