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Oct 2013
If they ask who am I?
I’m a writer with an undying desire to experience the world with the ink from my pen
And when my hands flow gracefully across the page my imagination’s free to soar again

If they ask you about me,
don’t paint me as a drop of water forced to blend into the sea
because it has no true definition and no real identity
I’d rather that you say that I’m eccentric and strange – personality untamed
And that my curiosity often gets the best of me

LaToya Taylor

Illustrate me in bright hues of gold and paint my face purple
Make sure you give me 3 feet and 6 toes
Draw me with surprise in my eyes with my head held high
Proud and unashamed of my life’s story untold

Stain me in animation and build up the anticipation
Until the time that a masterpieces can be revealed
For now, I’m not ready so continue to create me
And when you’re done, color me creative
LaToya Taylor
Written by
LaToya Taylor
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