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Oct 2013
“The definition of life”
What’s the name of that place between confusion and utopia?
Oh yeah, Ignorant Bliss
I CHOOSE to believe all the good in life,
to see it with rose tinted eyes

My only dilemma is this
People are flawed, and even with the best intentions,
Disappoint, But that’s none of your concern,
Still you must push on

Keep settings your sights high, don’t be afraid of the fall
Expect the unexpected, entertain enthusiasm,
Hope for hope, allow expectations
Because these moments are your life - created by imagination

You decide how to handle these times,
your decision – not their’s or mine,
But keep this in mind,
your actions are yours to own,
when you look back at
These moments that defined your life
Written by
LaToya Taylor
LaToya Taylor
Written by
LaToya Taylor
   Isabella Pullivan and ---
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